

Malcolm Gladwell, author of The Tipping Point, followed this success with Blink,  about the choices that we make in the blink of an eye without the time for thinking. How some people can make good choices and some make egregious errors.  This painting is called...
Satisfaction Guaranteed

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Welcome to my current gypsy lifestyle! I am in transition and some upheaval on all fronts in terms of where I live and where I paint. If you have a violin and 2 quarters change I will tell you the whole story. It is ALL good. However, the bottom line is that I just...
Trust and Reach … Repeat

Trust and Reach … Repeat

What’s next? What’s possible? Where is the growing edge? How can I play there? These are the questions that motivate me and make me want to grow and that fuel my creativity. This is not the path that all artists take but it seems to be mine. The spark for...
Orphan Paintings

Orphan Paintings

Galleries love artists who work in series. Artists build their reputation on presenting a consistent recognizable style to the world. Of course it is often permissible to work in two different series if what interests you is vastly different. Years ago when I was...
Am I done yet?

Am I done yet?

Like any great work or performance – some things flow and then there are the times when we struggle. Sometimes the struggle is a gift because when it is extreme enough it is clear that something is wrong. If the issue is composition no amount of applying...